SEKK - Km-192 airport
SEKK stands for Km-192 airport
Here you will find, what does SEKK stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Km-192 airport? Km-192 airport can be abbreviated as SEKK What does SEKK stand for? SEKK stands for Km-192 airport. What does Km-192 airport mean?Km-192 airport is an expansion of SEKK
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Alternative definitions of SEKK
View 3 other definitions of SEKK on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SEJI Jipijapa airport
- SEJ Mar Rojo airport
- SEJC San Jacinto airport
- SEIZ Ingenio Aztra airport
- SEIS Isabel Maria airport
- SEIC Inducam airport
- SEHJ Hnda airport
- SEIB Atahualpa airport
- SEHI Cotacachi airport
- SEHA Hnda airport
- SEGZ Gualaquiza airport
- SEGU Simon Bolivar International airport
- SEGS Seymour airport
- SEGM Granjas Marinas airport
- SEGH Gran Chaparral airport
- SEGE Guale airport
- SEES Esmeraldas airport
- SEEP El Piedrero airport
- SECY Camaguay airport
- SECV Camavel airport